SpecialEyes Multifocal Contact Lenses Case Study
Scenario: This case study highlights a 48-year old female patient who was wearing SpecialEyes 59 Toric and made a transition into the SpecialEyes 54 Multifocal Toric design with ease. During her annual exam, the patient shared with the practitioner that she was tired of wearing readers and would like to try multifocal contact lenses. The practitioner was reluctant to try her in multifocal contact lenses due to her high hyperopia and astigmatism. She was not interested in a GP design, as she loved the comfort of her current soft lenses. He considered a monovision design but was only able to correct her near vision to 20/40. When he called The SpecialEyes Team to get advice, the consultant suggested trying our new aspheric multifocal contact lenses.
The practitioner provided the following information:
Keratometry Readings:
OD: 41.75/44.50
OS: 40.75/44.25
Manifest Rx:
OD: +7.75 -1.75 x001
OS: +8.00 -2.00 x180
Add: +2.00 OU
Pupil Size: 3.5mm in regular room illumination
Using the SpecialEyes Arc-Length Calculator and Multifocal Simulator, SpecialEyes designed and ordered the following 54 Toric Multifocal Contact Lenses:
SpecialEyes 54 Toric Multifocal Trial:
OD: 8.5 Base Curve/14.8 Diameter +8.50 -2.00 x004 +2.00 add
OS: 8.7 Base Curve/14.7 Diameter +8.75 -2.50 x180 +2.00 add
Multifocal Optics: 1.8mm near-center zone/3.0mm peripheral zone OU
Lens Fitting: After inserting the lenses and allowing them to settle, the practitioner began to check her visual acuity. The patient began to cry. The Dr. was initially concerned and asked the patient if she was having discomfort. He was relieved to learn that they were tears of joy! The patient’s final binocular visual acuity was 20/20 (-2) at distance and 20/25 at near.
The patient was more than satisfied with her vision and comfort with the trial SpecialEyes Toric Multifocal Contact Lenses. Shortly after her follow up, we received a call from the practitioner with a request to order the remaining lenses for her yearly supply. At SpecialEyes, these are the types of stories that warm our heart and make us proud of the products and services we provide to our customers.
Conclusion: With SpecialEyes’ custom soft contact lens designs, transitioning from one of our custom sphere or toric lenses to a custom multifocal can be very easy. It is important to note that the practitioner provided the patient’s accurate pupil size measurement on the first order. This led to a smooth transition between lens designs with no remakes needed.
For more information on our custom soft multifocal contact lenses, click the Learn More button below! We also encourage you to sign up for our multifocal email course and watch our video demos to learn about the SpecialEyes Multifocal Simulator and custom multifocal optics. If you have any questions or would like assistance in fitting one of our custom soft lens designs, please don’t hesitate to contact our consultation department at 866-822-2020.