Case Study #3: Myopia Management for High Myopes
Discover how Dr. Kevin Chan of Treehouse Eyes utilizes an off-label approach to myopia management with SpecialEyes’ Multifocals.
Discover how Dr. Kevin Chan of Treehouse Eyes utilizes an off-label approach to myopia management with SpecialEyes’ Multifocals.
In this article, we will review strategies for dealing with soft contact lens discomfort.
The SpecialEyes Nomogram is a convenient resource that enables eye-care practitioners to quickly design SpecialEyes custom soft contact lenses for...
Eye Care Practitioners should recommend a contact lens care system that is appropriate for SpecialEyes’ custom soft contact lenses.
SpecialEyes’ empirical fitting method using the SpecialEyes Arc Length Calculator takes into account corneal diameter, also known as horizontal...
Providing an accurate pupil size measurement for the initial lens design greatly increases your patient’s chance of success, so we have listed some...
Customize the assessment experience for patients with sphere or toric contact lenses experiences glare and halos due to large-sized pupils.
As November comes to an end and we reach December, we wanted to take a second to decompress and unwind. We celebrated Thanksgiving as a company with...
Do you have an OPD III from Marco/NIDEK? If so, read how this device can help you maximize your success when fitting SpecialEyes' custom multifocals.