If you called into SpecialEyes on April 1, 2016 you may have heard a little extra smile in our voices. That’s because we were celebrating “Fun at Work Day”. SpecialEyes is not only known for providing high quality, custom designed contact lenses and legendary customer service; the team is also known for having a good time. So it should come to you at no surprise that “Fun at Work Day” was no exception. Our Motto for the day was work hard, play hard. Check out how we spent the day!

The day began with a friendly yet competitive game of Whiffle ball. If you are not familiar with the game, it is similar to baseball but played with a white plastic ball and bat. Team Customer Service came from behind to tie the game 5 to 5. The laughing and cheering could be heard from neighboring businesses.

After heading back to the office, customer service returned to diligently answering calls and placing orders for custom designed contact lenses. Once the team worked up an appetite, lunch was brought in from Cheesecake Factory. This was followed by an impromptu Nerf Dart war amongst the customer service agents. The verdict is still out on who won the battle.

Our final game for the day was a hula hoop contest. Allison showed off her skills and was the clear winner for the afternoon.

To wrap up the day each employee drew a gift card from a favorite retailer.

You may be asking, “Why does the SpecialEyes Team make time to have so much fun at work?” Not only does having fun at work build comradery and keep moral high, some researchers suggest that a fun work environment can actually improve employee performance and increase productivity (Muston).
Thanks for joining us!
Muston, Garrett. "The Truth About Workplace Fun & Productivity." 24 Feb 2014. 17 March 2016 <http://info.profilesinternational.com/profiles-employee-assessment-blog/bid/205140/The-Truth-About-Workplace-Fun-Productivity>.