A Fitting Strategy for Custom Multifocal Toric Contact Lens Success
Have you ever wondered why some practitioners find fitting multifocal toric contact lenses easier than others? Is it the practitioner’s process or the lens design? After examining internal data and consulting with practitioners nationwide, we can confidently say it’s a beautiful combination of both. In fact, when practitioners use their expertise to prescribe SpecialEyes’ 54 Multifocal Toric and follow a streamlined fitting process, we have found 78% of successful patients are satisfied within 1-2 trial lenses. The case study below is one of those success stories.
Case Study
JF, a female presbyopic patient with high hyperopia and astigmatism, contacted her practitioner in hopes to improve her vision out of contact lenses. With her presenting Intelliwave® Toric Multifocal contact lenses, the practitioner measured her visual acuity and found the patient was only seeing 20/50 at distance and J5 at near. Given her refractive error, the practitioner decided to try the SpecialEyes 54 Multifocal Toric with custom optics. Upon the initial lens design, the practitioner provided the following exam information.
OD: 44.00@121/45.00@31
OS: 42.80@71/44.40@161
OD: +7.75 -2.75 x098=20/25
OS: +8.00 -2.50 x080=20/25
+2.00 add
Pupil Size:
2.8mm photopic pupil measurement from Oculus Keratograph
Effective pupil size of 3.5mm in regular room illumination
Prior Multifocal Lens Wear History:
Currently wearing the Intelliwave® Multifocal Toric
OD: +8.50-3.00x097 (+1.50 add)
OS: +8.50 -3.00 x078 (+1.50 add)
Pt. is unhappy with vision at both distance & near (20/50@D & J5@N)
Custom Multifocal Toric Contact Lens Design
Using the information provided, the consultant designed the following trial lenses:
OD: 8.1 BC/14.1 Diam. +8.50 -3.25 x098 (+2.00 add) 1.8 N/C, 3.0 I/Z
OS: 8.3 BC/14.2 Diam. +8.75 -3.00 x080 (+2.00 add) 1.8 N/C, 3.0 I/Z
With the 1st set of trial lenses, the practitioner observed good fit and no rotation. Upon checking the visual acuity, both the practitioner and the patient were “ecstatic” with the results.
Final Visual Acuity
OD: 20/20@D
OS: 20/25@D
OU: J2@N
The practitioner instructed the patient to wear the lenses for a few weeks and report back with any vision or comfort issues. Upon follow up, the patient reported that she loves her SpecialEyes lenses and ordered her remaining year supply. No remakes were needed.
The initial credit goes to the expert practitioner for following a systematic strategy and providing consultation with excellent exam information. With this detailed information, the consultant was able to optimize every aspect of the lens design according to the patient’s ocular anatomy, exact refractive error, and visual expectations. By coupling your expertise along with a streamlined process and SpecialEyes’ innovative 54 Multifocal Toric design, you too can begin satisfying more patients with presbyopia and astigmatism in a contact lens with ease. So what are you waiting for? Download the SpecialEyes Multifocal Fitting Strategy today and start to put the science back into multifocal toric contact lens fittings.